Meraki Store from

Dedicated Cisco Meraki Networking Store

3 Ways to try Cisco Meraki for free

Request trial gear

Try any Cisco Meraki products on your network free of charge. Meraki will ship the gear and provide technical support to get you set up. There is zero risk—if Meraki isn’t right for you, Meraki will arrange to collect the gear at no cost to you. Maybe you need to test how many MR Wireless Access Points you will really need.
To take advantage of this offer, populate a cart with the products you want to try, and click ‘Request Trial. You’ll be contacted to arrange your free 14 day trial for real on your own network.

Request Trial

Receive a free Wireless Access Point by attending a webinar

See live demonstrations and ask questions from Cisco Meraki experts at Cisco Meraki webinars. Qualified IT professionals receive a complimentary Meraki access point.

See Upcoming Webinars

Start Instant Demo

Want to see what all the fuss is about Cloud Management? Test drive and experience the power of Meraki cloud management. Test drive the Cisco Meraki management platform from your browser. Simulated network devices and users enable you to experience the power of cloud management in seconds.

Start Demo


On 28th March 2025 the following switch series will retire from sale:
MS120, MS125, MS390 with End-of-Support Date: 28th March 2030 
Please ask for replacement models for better performance and longer support:

Click for MS120/MS125 upgrade path to MS130

Click for MS250/MS350/MS355/MS390/MS410/MS425 upgrade path to C9300

It looks like your shopping cart is such that we can give you a discount on your order!

That might be worth up to about 5% to you.

We can email you a quote same day, but it might take a couple of days to confirm the details. We WILL need the details of the end user of the purchase if that isn't you. We won't contact them, though!

So if you have the time, you might want to ask MerakiStore for a quote instead of checking out today.

Add all the items in your shopping list to the cart and then use the 'Request Quote' button.
Or simply email us your shopping list!