Meraki Store from

Dedicated Cisco Meraki Networking Store

You/you customer are already/nearly at the end of your Grace Period.

But the new license you have ordered might not arrive in time.

It takes Cisco anywhere up to 72h to process licenses. Sometimes we get the ordered key in less than 24h, but that is unusual.

If it were in our hands you would have seen it already automatically, immediately upon ordering!

If you are concerned about expiry, and your Meraki kit shutting down before it arrives…

    1. Has the license expired already, and you’re already in the 30 day Grace Period, which is going to expire tomorrow or very soon? If (1) you need to contact Meraki support, and tell them you have ordered a renewal which has not yet arrived and they will extend your grace period.
    2. Is the current license (not the Grace Period) going to expire tomorrow or very soon? If (2) you have no need to worry, as the Grace Period will begin automatically. 30 days is plenty of time to organise the license key.


I need to extend the Grace Period:

Contact Meraki support using the info in your Dashboard (details are below)
If time is short the timescale you might need to phone them, but the telephone wait time can be long.

Modify and use this email template below for your phone conversation or email.


Phone support is available for customers experiencing high impact issues where quick resolution is a top priority.
When contacting Cisco Meraki Support via phone, please have your customer number which is in your dashboard and daily support passcode ready. These can both be found at the Help > Get help > Still need help? > Call the Meraki Support team page.
The general UK Support number is +44 203 808 7003. A full list of region-specific phone numbers can be found in Dashboard under Help > Get help > Still need help? > Call the Meraki Support team > View regional phone numbers, or on the Meraki Support home page.
You should expect the support rep to extend the grace period in minutes.

Email directly, or create an email from within Meraki Dashboard (recommended)

Email to:
Subject: Please Extend Grace Period for ____________ (customer name)
Dear Meraki Support,
I am opening a new support case to have my Grace Period extended.

My current license/Grace Period has expired/is about to expire and I have ordered a license from Cloud Controlled, but it has not yet been delivered.
Order date was ________
Meraki Customer Number is ___________
I am concerned that my Grace Period might expire before the licenses arrive.
Please can you extend my Grace period to allow more time?

You should expect a response from the Meraki Licensing team in less than a day.


It looks like your shopping cart is such that we can give you a discount on your order!

That might be worth up to about 5% to you.

We can email you a quote same day, but it might take a couple of days to confirm the details. We WILL need the details of the end user of the purchase if that isn't you. We won't contact them, though!

So if you have the time, you might want to ask MerakiStore for a quote instead of checking out today.

Add all the items in your shopping list to the cart and then use the 'Request Quote' button.
Or simply email us your shopping list!