Meraki Store from

Dedicated Cisco Meraki Networking Store

Our Environmental Sustainability Goals

At Cloud Controlled we recognise the importance of integrating sustainability practices into every aspect of our operations. Our Sustainability Goals outline our dedication to creating positive change and creating a sustainable environment for our employees, customers and suppliers now and in the future.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

We aim to achieve a target of net zero GHG emissions by 2040. This will be achieved through:

  1. Reducing our GHG emissions by 45% by 2030 measured against our baseline year of 2024.
  2. 100% of all office energy usage to be sourced exclusively by renewable energy for all sites in the UK and across Europe from 2024 onwards.
  3. Reducing our office energy usage by 10% per year across all office sites in the UK and Europe from 2025 onwards.


Waste Management

  1. We will reduce the volume of cardboard waste we create at our offices, and remote working locations by 5% per year, measured against our baseline year of 2024.
  2. We will recycle or re-use at least 85% of our cardboard waste generated in our office sites in the UK and across Europe.
  3. We will reduce the quantity of total waste generated going to landfill by 15% year-on-year using 2024 as our baseline year.
  4. We will encourage responsible reuse or refurbishment or recycling of IT hardware being retired through the Cisco Take Back incentive scheme and report on this monthly.


Social Impact Management

  1. We will continue to offer all employees the option of 100% remote working where feasible, and a hybrid model in other cases, to enhance their personal quality of life.
  2. We will work with at least two selected charities to help them implement our technology at minimal cost.


Access to information

We will report annually on our performance against our targets and the results communicated via our website and on request from our customers and suppliers.


Mark Salisbury

30th April 2023



The following switch series have retired from sale:
MS120, MS125, MS390 with End-of-Support Date: 28th March 2030 
There may still be some units remaining in the supply chain.
Please contact us to check stock.
Please ask for replacement models for better performance and longer support:

Click for MS120/MS125 upgrade path to MS130

Click for MS250/MS350/MS355/MS390/MS410/MS425 upgrade path to C9300

It looks like your shopping cart is such that we can give you a discount on your order!

That might be worth up to about 5% to you.

We can email you a quote same day, but it might take a couple of days to confirm the details. We WILL need the details of the end user of the purchase if that isn't you. We won't contact them, though!

So if you have the time, you might want to ask MerakiStore for a quote instead of checking out today.

Add all the items in your shopping list to the cart and then use the 'Request Quote' button.
Or simply email us your shopping list!