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Meraki 5GHz Sector Antenna, 13 dBi


Original price was: £327.74.Current price is: £224.66. +VAT (£271.84 incl. VAT)

Meraki 5GHz Sector Antenna

For MR58, MR66, MR72, MR74 or MR84

SKU: MA-ANT-21 Category: Tag:


Designed for use with Cisco Meraki MR58, MR66, MR72, MR74 or MR84 5 GHz radios. The sector antenna can extend the range of a Cisco Meraki MR device by focusing the wireless signal in a specific direction; the best way to establish a medium distance point-to-point wireless link.

Additional information

Weight 1.34 kg
Dimensions 40.34 × 20.64 × 9.2 cm

Data Sheets

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