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Meraki Indoor Dual band Omni Dipole Antennas 6 pack


Original price was: £186.87.Current price is: £126.63. +VAT (£153.22 incl. VAT)

Meraki Indoor Dual band Omni Dipole Antennas 6 pack

For use with MR53E / MR46E

SKU: MA-ANT-3-A6 Category: Tag:


The Dipole antenna is ideal for low ceiling installations where wall penetration or extended reach are important. Some example uses are low-density deployments like schools and hotels to provide basic low-performance connectivity. These types of best-effort deployments usually have APs installed in the hallway to cover adjacent rooms. The price shown is for a pack of 6 units; the Dipole antenna can be purchased in units of 1, 5, or 6.

For use with MR53E / MR46E

See pdf for radiation patterns

Additional information

Weight 0.1678 kg
Dimensions 17 × 13 × 1.45 cm


  • Antenna type: Dipole
  • Frequency range: 2.400 – 2.500, 5.150 – 5.875 GHz
  • Gain: 3.8 dBi (2.4) / 5.5 dBi (5)
  • Polarization: Linear, Vertical/Horizontal
  • Half power beamwidth / horizontal: Omni
  • Half power beamwidth / vertical: 40°
Physical and Environmental
  • Dimensions: 3.05” x 0.57” (77.7 mm x 14.5 mm)
  • Weight: 0.76 oz (21.59 g)
  • Material: PC-ABS
  • Temperature: 32 °F to 104 °F (0 °C to 40 °C)
  • Humidity: 5% – 95%
  • Connector: RP-TNC
  • 1 year hardware warranty included
  • Certified for use with MR42E: MA-ANT-3-A5 (5 pack)
  • Certified for use with MR53E: MA-ANT-3-A6 (6 pack)

Data Sheets


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